“He awakens Me morning by morning,
He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple.” –Isaiah 50:4b
The Holy Spirit is calling us to listen as disciples. At the beginning of the day the Spirit of God awakens me and beckons me, “Listen.” We need to become more sensitive to this beckoning, this drawing of the Spirit into the secret place (Ps. 91:1) for the intimate embrace of His holy presence. We are being called to a deeper relationship and understanding of our God. Far too long we have taken for granted the One who is above all.
The other day I heard a quote from Bobby Conner, “We’ve become way too familiar with a God we hardly know.” It’s not that God doesn’t want us to have a familiar relationship with Him. To have that we need to know Him, not be flippant and apathetic to His nature and character. There’s a worship song with a line that says, “I don’t want to talk about You like you’re not in the room.” (You Won’t Relent – Jesus Culture) We honor Him by being aware of His constant presence and acknowledging it. We woo Him with our attention.
With abandon and passion the Bride yearns for her Groom. We must be desperate for Him. Where nothing else matters. If we had an inkling of His heart toward us we would never stop pursuing Him. We would lay down our lives and never look back in the passionate pursuit of Jesus, the Christ, Lord of all.
(originally published 11/5/13)