Enter a number that has 2 to 6 digits. 911 Bible App will find every combination of Bible verses that match all or part of your number then print them onscreen for you. For example, if you enter '911' the program will find all verses in the Bible that are '9:11' or '91:1' including the relative Book name. Results will be displayed in the King James Version but each result will include a clickable link to the Bible Hub page that shows multiple versions of the verse.
For an explanation of why I created this project and what it does, please read my blog post "Why I Wrote the 911 Bible App."
If you've been blessed by this service, please consider giving to the Path Ministries Ethiopian Orphans project. PATH has been operating in Uganda for several years, providing education and safe accomodations for children. They have recently exanded into Ethiopia. I hope you'll take time to check them out and sponsor a child!
[NOTE: I am not affiliated with PATH Ministries but am a supporter of their work.]